пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

body female form photography

...if I posted this already or not, but this is something I ran across and I found it very interesting. It was from a playwriting class I went to at a theatre conference. You had to use the alphabet to construct the conversation, and Iapos;m rather pleased with how this turned out.

VIN:���� Alice, sit down

ALICE:������Boring is what you are.

VIN:��� Capos;mon,�just sit please.

ALICE:��� Damn you cops.� Always thinking you can push people around.�� [Pause.� Sits primly.]

VIN:����� Enough of this.� Now Iapos;ve got a few questions about the other evening.

ALICE:�� Fine.

VIN:���� Get your feet off my chair.

ALICE:�� Happy now?

VIN:�� In the span of time between 12:13 am and 1:47� were you at home?

ALICE:�� Just got home as a matter of fact.� I had been at a club with a few friends---canapos;t really remember the name...Kat something...

VIN:�� Kat Kat Klub?

ALICE:�� Lordy, you cops are actually gettinapos; smarter these days

VIN:�� My instincts thatapos;s all.

ALICE:�� No.� I think you are more familiar with the Kat Kat Klub then you are letting on.� Gotta girlfriend, big boy.� [Giggles.]

VIN:�� Oh, you are clever, but donapos;t dodge the question.

ALICE:�� Pardon me, but I believe I answered your question

VIN:�� Quiet down� Precisely what time did you get home?

ALICE:�� Really at that hour of the night I cannot be expected to remember precisely.

VIN:�� Splendid, now I suppose youapos;ve gone amnesiac on me.

ALICE:��� [With a BAD southern accent.]���� To be sure, I cannot remember...

VIN:�� [To himself.]���� Unless....

ALICE:�� Very intriguing, Dr. Holmes

VIN:��� When you left the club how did you get home?� Did you leave with a foreign gentleman?

ALICE:��� Xenophobe

VIN:��� Youapos;d like to think that� Was the gentleman you left with Lord Montague?� You should tell the truth, because he was found�later that night murdered with a silk handkerchief, and Iapos;d really like to know if it was yours.

ALICE:�� Zecharius.� His name was Zecharius Montague, but itapos;s not what you think.� You see he was actually my father.

So thatapos;s the exercise.� It was definitely fun for just experimentation and exploration.� The idea is that the constraints of� using the alphabet are supposed to force you to think about what your writing and how you are constructing it, and for me it was very helpful.

Sorry for the length- the LJ cut wasnapos;t working

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